Put in
the Picture by B F Koch
ITITY Contemporary Media Critic
a trail of hundred dollar bills on their path so they could find the way back,
the vulture capitalist candidate and his ginger haired court jester set out to connect
with those of scant economic prospect with the unpretentious yet appealing campaign
slogan “a chicken with white truffle oil in every pot and couple of Cadillacs in
every elevator equipped multi-level garage.”
At a
private preschool, the privileged offspring of the fortunate few act out a
lesson in government gridlock with their emerging nation manufactured congressional
inaction figures, while the children of aspiring reality show contestants
prepare to compete in the high-tech world with a no prejudice left behind
hillbilly home brew of creationism science and second amendment remedies.
mischievous wizard of financial alchemy conjures a magical investment scheme of
impenetrable complexity and unlimited profit potential then casts a something
for nothing spell to conceal his simple scam, while a baby faced billionaire
offers shares of his social media success to select insiders then forgets to
inform his friends that the IPO party is already over.
only by snake oil salesmen shilling concoctions no one really needs to cure
conditions no one actually has, an endless flood of mindless effluence flows
from the flat screens in every home, offering a nation of vacuous couch bound
viewers a high definition distraction from the fact that their castle is in
foreclosure and their country has been sold to the highest bidder.
In the
crowded arena of an empire past its expiration date, three hundred million
peasants all fight for their fifteen minutes, a beautiful princess checks into
a five-star celebrity rehab for the umteenth time, and the handsome young pilot
of a surveillance drone silently watches as the new gilded age slowly goes to
hell in a counterfeit Gucci handbag.