Contributed by F. Russell Grumman
ITITY Cultural Trends Correspondent
Plano TX
In response to increasing demand Snapple announced today that it will soon be rolling out a new flavor of its popular beverage primarily intended for the young adult market.
The new herbal flavor will be manufactured in Mexico by a Snapple subsidiary and in addition to the usual best stuff, will contain some really good stuff obtained from local sources.
Snapple Head of Product Innovation, Bud Bhang elaborated “The idea just hit me dude. Yeah I was thinking, well you know like Coca Cola right, yea Coca Cola was um, well they had this special formula dude, and uh, yeah it was formulated to um, uh what was I, oh yeah to give people who drank it dude, with uh, with like a feeling um, a feeling of uh, oh yeah that’s it, a feeling of like well being dude. So dude I was thinking, you know that we should do um, like uh, you know we should like um, like do a special formula too. That’s it, that’s what I was thinking dude, it just like hit me”.
The new flavor will be sold in states where relaxed legislation permits its consumption, and will contain an easily overlooked “May Increase Appetite and Reduce Concentration” health warning.
Awesome, dude.